Change Language on Facebook to English

Change Language on Facebook to English: Facebook has provided language options of over 100 different languages which enable different users from different parts of the world to make use of Facebook with ease.

These language options has also discourage language barriers, making it possible for users to post with their language and be rest assured that other non-speakers will be able to translate and read their post.
This article will guide you through 3 ways to change your language option on Facebook
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Step 1: this is only applicable if you are a first-time user of Facebook, after opening the Facebook website on your web browser, you will be asked to choose your language preferences from a list of languages.
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Step 2: if you are not a first-time user of Facebook, then login into your account, click on the plus (+) sign at the bottom right corner in front of some languages option, finally, change to your preferred language.

Step 3: you can also change your preferred language by going to your profile page, then click on the language button, finally, select from the list dropped down your preferred language. To apply the setup, make sure you refresh the page.

I hope this article has gone a long way to change your Facebook language setup to your preferred language, if 'yes', kindly share with friends to discourage language barrier.
Change Language on Facebook to English Change Language on Facebook to English Reviewed by Ed F8 on 1:00 PM Rating: 5

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